Monday, November 8, 2010

The New Woodward and Bernstein

One of my favorite movies of all time is the Alan Pakula classic, “All The President’s Men”, starring Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman as the two Washington Post journalists Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein.  Woodward and Bernstein doggedly pursued the historical, earth-shattering story that eventually became the Watergate scandal.  Even if you haven’t seen the movie (and I would strongly encourage anyone who hasn’t to rent it immediately), most Americans are at least vaguely aware of the event we now refer too infamously as Watergate.
But what makes the events of “All The President’s Men” so unbelievably captivating is the process that the two, then unknown, Post reporters went through to uncover the facts of what would later unveil the greatest political conspiracy in American history. When I was a journalism student in college, we read the book (written in their own, first-hand account by Woodward and Bernstein). The book is a straightforward accounting of the journalistic process, minus some of the more melodramatic touches of the film (we don’t read about Woodward running for his life out of a deserted parking lot while presumably being pursued by unseen potential assassins). It delves deeply into the painstaking minutia that the Post reporters had to undergo in order to get nothing but the hardcore facts and sources to back up their unfolding story.

Well as I was intently reading about the latest nationwide scandal on the newest bastion of journalistic excellence, otherwise known as, and marveling at the never-ending fact-checking and source documentation of our newest Woodward and Bernstein named Mark Schlabach and Pat Forde, I could not help but think back to the story of the Washington Post and its pursuit of the Watergate cover-up.

Okay, I’ll drop the sarcasm and get straight to the talking points now.

The facts are, neither ESPN nor its writers Schlabach and Forde did ANY fact checking or source background when they decided to go public with the story of a rumor surrounding an alleged agent/player representative/God-only-knows-what, and a nefarious pay-for-signature scheme that allegedly involved, possibly, one Cameron Newton of Auburn University.

By the way did you just notice how many times I used the word “rumor” “possibly” and “allegedly” in that paragraph?

The facts are that if you objectively look at when and how this “story” was broken on ESPN, it carries all the hallmarks of a Ringling Brother and Barnum-Bailey circus! Everyone knows now that the release of this “bombshell” came during a prime time Thursday night college football game. The scroll started rolling around the middle of the second quarter of said game. “BREAKNG NEWS: A man allegedly representing Cam Newton sought payment of approximately $200k….” and you know the rest. Isn’t that convenient? Prime time! College football game with a captive audience! Give me a break!

So now in the span of roughly one minute and twelve seconds ESPN has lit up the entire sports world with a seemingly incendiary story of cash-for-play involving, not just some college football player on a BCS team, but THE leading Heisman candidate on the number 2 team in the country.

Wow! Think of the ratings for Sportscenter this coming week. Think of the national spotlight on ESPN for another bout of journalistic brilliance! Think about the possible impact on a major university and its leading player!

And so fire was lit.

We all ran to our computers to read the actual article by Woodwar….I mean Schlabach and Forde. Auburn fans scared to death that this kid we had all come to know and fall in love with was actually unmasked now, only to reveal a lying, cheating, stealing thief that would take our beloved program down for the count. The rest of the college football world read the article relishing a potential tidal wave of unimaginable height that would shake college football to its rotten core.

So what did we learn when the article was finished?

What we learned was that a former football player at a Mississippi State football game last year allegedly heard that another former player had told someone else that the big-time recruit Cam Newton could be bought for a large sum of money.

Fair enough. And the sources?

A former Mississippi State football player who said that he heard another former player was shopping Cam Newton around for money.

The evidence?

A former Mississippi State football player who said that he heard another former player was shopping Cam Newton around for money.

The deep background?

A former Mississippi State football player who said that he heard another former player was shopping Cam Newton around for money.

Getting the picture?

So now here sits Cam Newton, his father, and Auburn University. Center of the college football world, not because of their undefeated season so far and the out-of-this-world play of Cam Newton, but because two “writers” from ESPN decided to break a story that in the end, wasn’t a story.

Let’s be clear about this.

It was a RUMOR!

And when you read the original article what facts do you see in the story to back up and confirm the allegations? I dare you to find even ONE fact, because there are none. Oh, if you’re prone to thinking that a statement by somebody alleging that they heard something about somebody else is factual, you can quit reading this now.

What it boils down to is this. and its two “writers” heard about the allegations a while back. They probably followed it with mouths salivating, waiting for something concrete to be uncovered. When it got be the first week in November, and there was no evidence that this allegation was ever going to amount to much, ESPN did exactly the opposite of what Washington Post Chief Editor Bill Bradley did when the pressure was on during the Watergate investigation. They said, “Go with it!” when they knew the evidence wasn’t there.

During the Watergate investigation, Bill Bradley told his two young reporters over and over again whenever they were aching to print the newest revelation they had uncovered, “Get another source.” Neither ESPN nor its two “writers” ever even considered “getting another source” before unleashing what amounts to a slanderous allegation against a young college player and his family.

We live in a world controlled by media. We live in a digital age, where information is disseminated instantaneously. Media giants like ESPN are not in it for the integrity of journalistic values my good friend. ESPN is in it for the money! And breaking news about the leading Heisman candidate on prime time television is BIG MONEY!

And the so-called “reporters”? They get to go back to their jobs when this is over and shrug it off as another example of the crazy world of college football where anything can happen, even if it just ain’t true.

And Cam Newton and Auburn?

They get to live with the consequences of the new Woodward and Bernstein.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

In The Beginning........Week 1 of AUWins' 2010 CF Blog

Week #1 of the 2010 College Football Season

Yes glory be to be finally HERE!!

To my loyal readers....HELLO!! Welcome to week 1 of the college football season, edition 2010.

As many of you regulars know, my blog is only made available to the truly fanatical and passionate for our greatest American sport. If you are reading this it is because you have been given the secret password by others who see your passion and want you to join in this greatest online preview for college football anywhere. You will NOT find greater insight or astounding predictions than here my good friends.

Can you actually believe that it is time again to begin living the ecstasy that is college football?????? I can scarce believe it myself. It is going to be a FANTASTIC season too!

Unlike past years, week one of the 2010 season presents some VERY competitive matchups. Even yours truly has had to sit back and give some very careful analysis to some of these games. But be ye not afraid. AUWins is here to guide thee and steer thee well!

So here we go. But put on your safety belt because you can get a ticket riding THIS train without one bud!

WEEK 1 Games and Predictions

The Buffs vs The Rams (Colorado that is)

What kind of backwardass rivalry gets played first game of the year? Oh...wait...I forget Miami and the SemenHoles do as well. Stupid if you ask me. But it DOES make for some interesting week one game watchin'.

The state school has tended to have / get the upper hand many of the recent contests. Dan Hawkins has made an absolute sordid mess out of the Buff's program since arriving and this is indeed his last season there (okay, you just read major prediction #1 for the season!). So why would I tell you to take the rumblin' stumblin' bison this year?

Simple. Colorado State is starting a true freshman at QB.

Enough said. Take Hawkins and co. for this matchup.

The Wildcats of K State vs The Golden Child

Wow this one is tough. First, you gotta dig down and research these two first before making ANY kind of conclusion about this game. Rickie Boy (aka The Golden Child) wants to supplant USC as the power in CA. Thanks to Pete Carrol and Reggie Bush, that is going to happen regardless of what HE does. But this opener is AT K State. K State has a returning part time starter at QB (senior). I'll give Snyder (the second oldest man in the world behind Joe Paterno) a razor thin edge here.

Ritchie Rich vs The Sled Dogs

Rich Rod is probably looking at his last opener as Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeecheeeegan's head coach. We all know that. But playing at home against a formidable big east opponent like Edsel's huskies might very well put Richie boy on the FAST TRACK out of Ann Arbor. Michigan still doesn't have the cast it needs to make Rich Rod's movie. Randy and his boys have shown that they can go anywhere, anytime and beat just about anybody.

I would pick UConn straight up with no reservations if they were playing at home or a neutral site. Roddyboy gets only a flicker of benefit for playing in his own backyard.......hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....what to do here???

I'll take UConn in a dogfight. Michigan won't fall apart and make it easy...but I think coaching, consistency and execution on both sides go to the sled dogs.

UConn wins.

The Boiled vs The Leprechauns

I am sad.

I am depressed.

No longer each week can I make jokes about the waddling hippopotamus that is one Charlie "Fatboy" Weiss. A moment of silence please.

No, the neutered damsel now has a LEGIT head coach (finally!). And because of this I'm having some difficulty with this opener. Notre Dame has no one really to speak of on either side of the ball coming back. But Purdue's QB, while a senior, is a transfer from Miami. Who the hell knows HOW this kid will play?

Sheeeeeeeeeesh! Um....okay....I'll take Purdue and the transfer QB who is SUPPOSED to be all that and then some.

Boilers by 3 in a real tight one.

The Horny Toads vs The Slang Term for a Lady's... You Know...

One of the more interesting matchups in a week 1 full of good games. We all know by now that the amphibians are good, on BOTH sides of the ball. But we also know that this year the dam building rodents are loaded and ready to compete for a Pac 10 championship.

Like most of you, I'm really torn on this. In the end, I'll take the slight edge TCU's solid defense has and their home field advantage over the river rodents.

Riiiiiiiiivits by 5 at home.

The Clueless Asshat vs The Sky

If you've followed AUWins over the know that of all the dumbf*cks with the title of head coach in this great sport, none incurs my wrath like the twiddledick Les "The Asshat" Miles. I knew from the very first game he coached at lswho that he was over his head and had zero friggin' clue.

Well, now the fans at Bat Ton Rooooooooge know it too. The media knows it. Everyone knows that this boob, when on the sideline, knows not whether to scratch his watch or wind his butt! He's totally overwhelmed by even the simplest of situations. See last year's debacle against Ol Piss.

But the REAL reason I hate his dumbarse is because for being the stupidest moron in the game....he is also the LUCKIEST man ever born on earth. His national title was with the first and only (ever!!) team to limp into the BCSC game with 2 losses. Will never happen again! And he should have had 2 more losses if not for the Fairy F*cking Godmother sprinkling pixie dust all over the field against teams like Kentucky that season.

Whew.....okay....deep breaths...deep breaths...

So what happens two weeks before his squad faces one of the best defenses in the country on opening weekend???? More than half the starting squad is IN-El-I-GI-BLE!!!!!!! C'MON!!! Coooooome Ooooooooon!!! Give me and every other Christian soul a break here!

F*ckstick wins, probably convincingly, in the ATL this Saturday night.

Boise State vs The Hookers...I mean Hokies

By far the hardest, yet most exciting game on the schedule this weekend. I really don't think anyone can pick this matchup with a helluva lot of confidence. I'm going to go with Boise because they've taken that next step twice now in BCS bowl games. Va Tech has had tendency to fall over backwards (see last year vs bama) in it's big games.

It'll be close, and I personally see a lower scoring affair than most experts do.

The Blue Horses prevail by 7.

In Conclusion...dear sirs..

See? I told ya this week one was starting off on a serious friggin' note! You best batten down ye ol' hatches and get to studying my dear students! This test begins only 3 days from now!

As I always tell you, my lovely readers, may your first weekend of college football be filled with happiness, hops, barley, bar food, laughs, good friends and joy!

We will talk again next week for a review of week 1 and more stellar predictions for week 2.

Till then.....WAR DAMN EAGLE!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Greatest CF Preview Since The Mayan Calendar

"And the Lord created the sixth day for His people to relax, drink and watch college football. And when He had created it He looked upon it and said, "It is good".

The Gospel According to Saint Jordan

Ladies and Gentlemen....The Moment We Have All Been Waiting For....

Greetings to all my loyal and wonderful readers. And isn't it well and good that we should gather here together once again to preview (and celebrate!) the greatest time of the year?!!! Yeslordhavemercyitssogood!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whether your team's mascot is dressed like a backyard poop dropper, a creature relegated to the foulest swamps, or a majestic jungle killer who strikes fear in the souls of all is indeed the most wonderful time of the year (with apologies to Santa).

As you have come to expect, my weekly college football blogs will educate, fascinate, illuminate and subjugate all of you with my higher intellect. These things I give you..loyal reader...out of the goodness of my heart.

So to get things started let us begin by taking a high level (and I do mean HIGH level) overview of the season to come. If your team is not mentioned in this preview, please don't fret. I'll be sure to make fun of your beloved coach and players at some point during the season.

AUWins' Top 10 for 2010

Here now is my first chance to piss a lot of you off. As fans we all want recognition for our team and we want prognosticators to pour love all over our boys like honey. Well, you'll have to settle for molasses with this blog....

Let me go ahead with fearless prediction number one. It's one that you've actually heard already and I for one believe it will happen. The SEC will NOT represent this year in the NC game. Sorry all you pachyderms and lizards. Neither of you will be in the Big One. My reasons are brilliantly stated below.

So, are you ready?

Are ya sure..........

Well then... quote The Great One, Jackie Gleason, "and awaaaaaaaaaaaay we go!"

Number 10


Here is my surprise team. No, I haven't suddenly taken a liking to one of the most boring college teams in the land. But I DO believe the cheeseheads are ready to make waves in the Little 10..or 11...or whatever they are now. Da Baaaaadgers finish second in the conference and win a bowl game.


Number 9

VA Tech

Another similar year for Frank "Don't Stare At My Charbroiled Neck" Beamer. They'll have 2 regular season losses, but will represent and win the ACC championship. Win their bowl game and give 'em #9 to be nice.

Number 8

The Corn Shuckers

Nebraska represents for the Big 12 North, but will have one loss at least going in. They will lose to OK and play in a decent bowl game (though NOT a BCS bowl game) and finish here. This sets up for a massive media blitz in the offseason for Bo and the boys looking ahead at 2011.

Number 7


Horny Toads have a really good season, get invited to a BCS bowl, and win.

Number 6

Boise State

The Blue Broncos will have one regular season loss (Va Tech), win a bowl game and finish 6th. I can't be sure due to their easy as pie schedule if they'll play in a BCS bowl, but it's possible.

Number 5


Sorry to all my buddies who bleed crimson. The tahd deserves all the praise and glory for their NC last season and a helluva year before that too. I predict that bammer will beat UF at home in their regular season matchup....but will lose one other regular season
game to any of these teams (Arky, lswho, Auburn). Not because any of these teams are better than bama, but because they have simply lost too much experience on D and if you just play the odds....a team going undefeated for 3 straight years in the toughest conference in America....just don't see it happening.

I believe that they will indeed go back to the SECC game. But there UF gets major payback both for last year's heart ripping loss in the SECC, and for the earlier loss in the season at bammy. Lil' Nickie will win the bowl game putting the tahhhhhd in a final #5 spot.

Number 4

The Texas Steers

Simply put, UT will have one loss going into the bowl season but that loss will be to OK. OK will go the Big 12 (cough!!) so UT goes to a big bowl game, wins and finishes #4. Yaawwwwwwwwwwn........

Number 3

The Gay Turds (that's UF for you slow folks out there)

Florida will finish the season with an SEC championship and a bowl win...but losing to bama early in the season will drop them far enough that they'll get passed over by OSU just barely for the BCSC.
Huge controversy (what else would you expect from our wonderful "BCS system") follows and the chorus begins to really pick up steam to dismantle the system altogether.

Number 2

Ohio State Butt Eyes

Yes, I hear that horrible gasping of many a dear reader out there. Yes, this is still the AUWins who despises everything about the overhyped and perennial blowhard favorite OSU. But this blog is not necessarily about dissing programs based on previous polesmoking by the majority of the media out there.

I believe that as bad as it has been listening to the waterfall of gushing, orgiastic praise for one Terrell Pryor....common sense says the kid in year three will make a lot of big plays for the bastard nuts and put them in solid position (remember, they don't have to play a conference championship game) to win the big 10. As a matter of fact...I think that osu will have the conference won before it's finale against Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeecheeeeeeeegan. And that game will be the final nail in Rich Rod's coffin when Pryor and the boys dismantle the furry little rodents in the Horshoe on 11/27.

But why would I not go ahead and just hand the NC trophy on to The Sweater? Read on dear reader....and be amazed!

Number ....drum roll.....1 !!!!

(In my best Rogers and Hammerstein's operatic voice)

So here we number 1 at season's end after the BCS championship game.
"But you hate Oklahoma and you laugh at their futility over the years under Stoops to win the big one..", you say. Yes. That is correct my dear readers.

But as you have no doubt picked up on so far in this preview, I expect chaos and parity all through the season. The teams left standing for their conference championship at the end will all have at least one loss. That is everyone except for one team..... the Laters. Oklahoma has several keys to reaching the Big 12 championship game and then winning it.

1. It's the Big (cough!! cough!!!) 12. Or as some more accurately put it...the big 3 (now that Nebraska seems to be getting back to it's former self). Stoops and Brown at their respective schools simply have more depth and more talent than the next tier of teams in that conference.

2. Stoops and co. will win the Red River Shootout this year. Why? Because Landry Jones is now a seasoned veteran after starting most of last season and he will be the difference in that game over a true sophomore with 3 or 4 games under his belt.

3. OK will play a very much improved Husker team for the title game this year and win. Nebraska offensively is still one year away from having a solid enough offense to compliment it's stout D.

I believe, in reviewing Boomer Schooner's schedule, that they will go undefeated in the regular season. It is indeed possible they could lose to either A&M or UT, but this is a preseason preview...and I like taking wild risks and making completely unfounded assumptions!!!

They will play my runner up (see above) for the BCS and win. Why? Because I believe they will be in better shape physically. I think OSU has a slightly tougher road to hoe to get there (okay, if you can call the little 10 a "tough" schedule). True, they don't play a conference championship game...but their grind throughout the season will take a slightly bigger toll on them.

I also believe that history is a guide here for the BCS game itself. OSU simply won't have the special atheletes on offense to keep up. Landry and the OK O will put up enough points to smother any hope of an OSU victory by late in the game.

So! We are now set to kick it off in less than two weeks. It's gonna be fun as always. There are going to be a LOT of games played this season that even I...the great prognosticator himself...will not be able to pick with confidence. Parity amongst the conferences will rule the day my friend.

I hope that your team provides you with lots of excitement this season and that the injury bug will leave your boys alone. That said...LET'S GET IT ON!!!!!!