Friday, October 23, 2009

AUWins AUsome College Football Blog - Week 8

AUWins AUsome College Football Blog - Week 8

This Week: MAYHEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"No one here gets out alive....." Jim Morrison

Greetings all of my loyal and great readers!! I know you missed your weekly AUWins blog last week and so did I (writing it)...but AUWins has been a busy little boy at work and there was just not enough time to give you, my beloved followers, the time and insight that you have to come to expect of this AUsome blog!

But that was yesterday. On to this weekend's allotment. And ya better have your helmets strapped on tight...dear reader!

Week 8 Matchups and Predictions

Despite what you are about to read in this blog, let me state for the official record that this week will be like a nuclear bomb going off in the middle of the college football world. Continents will shift. Animals will turn against one another. The fish of the sea will rise up and invade all of us land dwellers. Get the point?

By late Saturday night, because of the matchups we have this weekend, chaos will reign supreme in land of college football.....and especially the BCS standings.

The Ga Tech Bumblebees vs The University of Snootyville

If you're a Tech fan this game scares the ever-loving bejesus out of you. Tech has not won AT Virginia since 1990!!!! That's 20 frickin' years ago!!!! No matter how bad VA may have been in past years or how good Tech was...the Cavaliers always found some way to beat the Jackets in what may be the tamest stadium in the country outside of an Ivy League school (of which some may actually consider Virginia if you ever met a grad from there...but I digress).

The difference maker for Tech this time in Charlottsville is their head coach. Paul Johnson will literally WILL this team to victory. He won't let them keep making mistakes or playing badly if they start out that way. Tech will win...but Al and his boys will keep this game uncomfortably close throughout.

Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeechigan vs The Ol' Cumudgeon

This is the weekend Joepa gets exposed in a major way. They already lost at home to a so so Iowa squad. Michigan isn't a great team by any stretch...but Lil' Richie will outrun and outfox the worlds' oldest living man and beat the cowardly lions in the Big House.

Joepa will try to strangle a ref after the game but no one will admonish him because "that's just good ol' Joe".

The Kurmson Taaaaaahd vs Father and Son Renunion

I've actually heard some media mouths trying to raise the spectre of Monty's defense making this a game.


Bama wins this one like they have all the others with defense and a great running game that will have the howling doggies gasping for breath by quarter 4. It will be a 14 point spread minimum.

The Green Trojans vs Clarence Birdseye

I am at a crossroads for this one. One of the more interesting picks for this weekend because while Iowa is undefeated....nobody's buying what they're sellin'. State ain't that dam bad either and the game is AT state.

I'll give the Eyes of the Sacred Hawk a lean for being undefeated and hopefully ready to defend their honor...but I don't like it!

The Fighting Roosters vs The Naval Officers No One Ever Heard Of Before

Why am I even mentioning this game? Because an old high school chum who has followed the pretend USC all his life questioned me after week 5 as to why I never mention them.

Well.....I'm mentioning ya now!

The Horny Toads vs The Guys In White Shirts and Black Ties Who Ride Bikes and Knock On Your Door

This is toughest pick of the week dear friends. I don't think anyone could say one way or the other for sure who'll take this. I believe that since it is being played in the house that Joseph Smith built (okay not really but you know what I mean), and BYU has already had their one ugly loss this season....The cult from Utah will prevail and take the frogs out of any BCS talk.

But Lord I wouldn't bet any of my own money on it......

The Steers vs The Fake Tigers From Mizzou

Why did I bring this one up? Because if you follow AUWins' blog you know that every once in a while I try to throw something your way that no one else is even watching out for. I'm not sayin'.....I'm just sayin'......

In all seriousness though, UT will pull it out. But I believe this one will be really close in the fourth quarter. Should be fun to watch.

The Real Tigers of College Football vs The Game's Biggest Asshat

How my mighty and beloved Tigers have fallen. Sigh........................

My heart says no way they can be as bad as they've been the last two weeks and that the mighty men of Auburn will come out and play like the glorious champions they are and we will all sing and dance and throw lillies at each other as we celebrate...................


Ain't gonna happen.

Auburn is so thin on defense and so bad in the fundamentals (like say...tackling) that while LSWho may not be anywhere near number 9 in the nation....AU will certainly make them LOOK like a top ten team tomorrow night in that godforsaken piss hole called death valley.

If you're betting on the game with money...take an insider's word for it and take lsu and the line. It will get ugly and get even uglier. AUWins has rented a couple of pornos to watch once the game is out of hand (by the second quarter).


I hope that all of you enjoy your 8th week of college football as much as AUWins will. Be safe if you drunk if you don't.

Let's get this thing done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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